Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hey guys!

So I decided setting up a blog would be an easy way to communicate and that way we can all read/respond to everyones thoughts and so on. Here's what we did at our meeting in case you missed or were late (naughty naughty!!) haha. So comment, make changes, state new ideas, etc. I'm excited I hope you are too!

Rough idea:

Plate of real food...we go inside it's world (the food is then clay). The food fights, tries to control the whole plate, etc. All the while being fun and animated!

-real food at first … being put on plate (meat, mashed potatoes, peas/carrots, bread)

-and then poof! With a napkin interfering and sound fx to make real food turn to clay

-mashed potatoes want to take over the plate and mix with peas/carrots, there is one pea and carrot couple that wants to be nice and make everyone happy, bread bounces around (like a referee) keeping everyone in place, utensils stab things, meat is used as floating device/fort/anything needed for other food to get around … STORY

-END the last thing eaten is the pea/carrot family, make really intense with a zoom/noises and fx

-people at table, not paying attn to food, hands on utensils, background track low voices having a conversations

NEED to get

Colored play-doh
Real food
Wine glass and water glass
Tablecloth (maybe)

To do
Make blog!!!


Patrick Walter said...

what if the guy/girl walks up to eat his dinner and finds his food fighting. Then he tries to play mediator but has to resort to eating some of them. Maybe they sacrifice some of their own to try and make him happy.
Just a couple loose ideas.

Patrick Walter said...

so are we going to have the storyboard and proposal done for thursday?

Hannah said...

I am writing up the proposal I should hopefully have it posted by tonight or early tomorrow at the latest

Kaleigh said...

i like the ideas on your first comment patrick. we'll have to figure it out all together though since we had the notion that the person would be unaware of the food interacting.

i'll check back to edit the proposal with you hannah!

and i won't be in class on thurs. b/c i have a funeral :( but just to give you a heads up. i'll email kelly to let her know.

Elise Oldenburg said...

Will the storyboard be done by Thursday too? I forgot who said they would do that...

Hannah said...

Alright guys, sorry this took so long. I have copied the proposal so far below:

Our project is utilizing the 3D option. We have a character sitting down to dinner, holding a conversation in the background, while his/her food comes to life in a battle royale. The plate, consisting of meat, mashed potatoes, and peas and carrots, will spring into frenzy with the mashed potatoes attempted to rule the plate. It will begin devouring the peas and carrots. While all the food is rioting one pea and one carrot (a couple) watch in fear for their lives. Off the plate a roll keeps the food from jumping off the plate. The vegetables use the meat as a shield and try to ward off the invading potatoes. In the end the person begins to eat and all the food is eaten leaving the lone pea-carrot couple to be eaten last. Our video is loosing based off the POS videos we watched both in class and on our own.
For our video we will begin with real food and a dining room setup (placemat, plate, water glass, wine glass, salt and pepper shakers, utensils, etc). The person will extend their napkin to place it on their lap and when it covers the food the food will transform into Play-doh. This symbolized our emergence into the food world. We will have the Play-doh shaped exactly like the food to begin our battle scene. We are going to have the items displayed on a white plate, with all the place settings kept consistent. We are going to use stop-motion techniques to animate the food into the fight sequences. We are going to make our own sound effects (screaming from the peas and carrots being eaten, the “bouncer” roll keeping the food on the plate, the pea-carrot couple, and the evil mashed potatoes).

Some things that I could not answer which we should discuss here so that I can add it tonight are:
-Are we going to be using any inter-titles, for the title or in between or at the end?
-What kinds of editing software are we going to be using?
-Who in the group will be doing what parts and when will we be doing them?
-And what equipment will we need in order to present our film once it is completed?

I think that I answered everything else in the proposal that is above. Please let me know if there is stuff you would like me to add or take away. Also I don't know who was doing the story board part, so yeah. I think thats all.

Kaleigh said...

i'm in charge of the storyboard!!! i have it made but forgot all about it!!!! i'm on my way to a funeral. i sent kelly an email telling her i'd scan it and send it to her tonight. i'll post it on here too. sorry guys... but kind of out of my control